The new regulation will be applied for every movie and all television programming available by all means of distribution in Vietnam.
Movies and dramas will be classified into six categories, ranked from low risk to high: P – suitable for all audiences, K – children under the age of 13, T13 – suitable for those 13-years-old and over, T16 – suitable for 16-year-olds and over, T18 – suitable for 18-year-olds and over, and C – restricted movie, prohibited for distribution in Vietnam.
These categories will be decided based on the movies’ and television shows treatment of the following subjects: “violence, nudity, sexuality, stimulants, drugs, addictive substances, horror, strong language, and dangerous activities.”
On the screen prior to the beginning of the film or show, an icon denoting the classification must be accompanied with a warning about the specific content contained.
Film and programs shown in the theaters, at diplomatic agencies, Vietnam-based foreign culture exchange centers, or circulated public by any means of communication, much present such warnings in the forms of written or spoken notifications before official airing.
Classification icons must be displayed for an amount of time enough for viewers to read.
Regarding movies shown in the theaters, classifications must be shown on the movie screens, the theaters’ websites, online ticket selling applications, and other channels. Regarding television dramas and web dramas, the icon must be shown in the description box or the screen interface.
Information must be shown clearly and visibly, at the top left or top right corner throughout the screening.
Distributors must guarantee that the classification does not overlap with the logo of service providers or other icons.