Aries (March 21-April 20)
The first half of 2023 is all about reinventing yourself, as you kick off a new 12-year chapter of your life. Out with the old: Refresh everything from your image and style to what you do for a living. Money is a big focus in the second half of the year. You could get a nice pay bump, but be careful not to spend it all in one place. Stay open to unexpected work opportunities, possibly a job with travel or relocation.
You will be lucky with: Independent pursuits, money and work
Taurus (April 21- May 20)
Your zodiac sign is famous for consistency, but the only constant in your 2023 is change. Repeat after us, Taurus: Change is good. And it’s lucky—especially in the second half of this year, when a fresh 12-year chapter of your life begins anew. In the first few months of 2023, push yourself to release people and situations that are no longer a fit. Sweet success.
You will be lucky with: Embracing a total life makeover, taking calculated risks.
Gemini (May 21-June 21)
What do you want to be known for, Gemini? In 2023, leadership is calling—but don’t expect to take any shortcuts. Are your skills up to par? Level up! Over the next couple years, you can establish yourself as a heavy hitter or an expert in your field, as long as you’re willing to put in the time. Need credentials or additional training? Pay the dues now and it will pay dividends later. Friends in your network can open doors, especially in the first half of the year, when your social butterfly wings will shimmer.
You will be lucky with: Networking, creative and spiritual pursuits.
Cancer (June 22-July 22)
The 2023 stars show you coming into your own, rising up as an inspiring leader and innovator. You could lead a team to victory and shine in the role of superconnector, working behind the scenes. Got a yearning to start your own business, teach or return to school? The next couple years support a slow-and-steady path toward these dreams.
You will be lucky with: Career, teamwork
Leo (July 23-August 22)
An exciting new career opportunity could be in the making, but you may need more support from loved ones to pull this off. Instead of micromanaging, focus on your own interests. Cultivate a new hobby, start a podcast, draft a few chapters of your memoir.
You will be lucky with: Career, travel.
Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Focus on quality over quantity whether in relationships, work or life experiences. While your introverted side will crave privacy, a sexy plus-one could shimmy behind those velvet Virgoan ropes to join you. Maybe you’ll jet off to a far-flung locale together, as travel is a big 2023 theme. Vacation with friends or hit a wellness retreat and start racking up those frequent flier miles.
You will be lucky with: Money, sex, travel.
Libra (September 23-October 22)
Relationships are a huge focus of your 2023. Finding that all-important sweet spot between other people’s needs and your own identity will be a balancing act. You’ll crave more freedom in all of your connections—nobody’s fencing you in this year! The most attractive feature you can cultivate in 2023? Your own identity.
You will be lucky with: Relationships, money.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
Good news: In July 2023, you can emerge from this karmic cocoon, hopefully with stronger relationships and vibrant good health. Relationships could turn super-serious in 2023.
You will be lucky with: Healthy living, relationships.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)
You’re falling in love again, Sagittarius—and this year, it’s with your life. Transform yourself from the inside out by reducing stress and shifting your mindset—then go break a sweat with an endorphin-pumping workout
You will be lucky with: Romance, healthy living
Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
Since 2008, your sign has been going through a slow but intense inside-out transformation. This spring and summer you’ll get a sneak peek of what life will feel like on the other side, as you emerge with new levels of power and influence. You may start putting your money where your morals are, and long to make a greater impact with your work.
You will be lucky with: Home and family, romance
Aquarius (January 20-February 18)
If life has moved at the speed of molasses for the past couple years, get ready for a 180-degree pirouette. New friendships, invitations and even job offers could come in. Whether you accept them or not, take it as an affirmative sign that you’ve done some tough personal growth work. This year, you’re ready to reap the hard-earned rewards! Your trailblazing ideas could make you a popular leader in these times.
You will be lucky with: Friendships, home and family
Pisces (February 19-March 20)
The past two years have kicked off massive personal growth for you, Pisces, as you’ve explored new pathways and desires. In 2023, it’s time to put these discoveries into concrete form. An indie business, a new home, a fresh start? You’ll break ground in March 2023, and over the next two years, rise into new levels of leadership and self-reliance.
You will be lucky with: Money, making new friends