Your daily horoscope: January 17


Aries (March 21-April 20)

Practical matters involving home and family might need some attention today. This isn’t anything alarming, Aries, just a few tasks that you may have put off, such as house cleaning or yard work.

Taurus (April 21- May 20)

Matters involving your community might require your attention. This is likely to involve communication in some way. Perhaps you want to make some phone calls, write letters, or place an ad or article in a local newspaper. Communication of all sorts should go well, Taurus, and you might find that it opens new doors to understanding between you and those closest to you.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)

Financial matters might need attention today. Bills may need to be paid, checks deposited, and budgeting worked out. Your powers of concentration are high, Gemini, so this is a great day to do this, even though you’d rather be doing something more interesting.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

Some projects might require practical attention today, getting irritating little details cleared up and out of the way. Your natural efficiency is at a peak, Cancer, so you will probably be able to get these matters done before you get too bored. The important thing is that you will be able to achieve the results you want.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Relatives or old friends, particularly seniors, who visit you today are likely to awaken childhood memories that you’d long since forgotten. Some of them might come as a shock, but they will all release hang-ups that you’ve been trying to expunge for a while. You might feel like you’ve just dropped a ton of weight – and you have. Psychological weight can be as heavy as anything physical.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Today you might spend a lot of time on the phone with friends, some of them seniors. Your conversations will be loving, informative, and revealing, Virgo. As a result, you might decide to attend some group events in your community. A letter, check, or delivery that had been delayed might finally arrive. This is going to release a lot of tension, as you may have feared it had been lost.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Today you could resolve to work harder than ever on whatever it is that brings the results you hope for, Libra. This is likely to involve nothing more glamorous than practical tasks, such as getting paperwork out of the way. Nonetheless, by the end of the day you should feel satisfied with your accomplishments. If nothing else, it should free you for more interesting chores.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Pursuing intellectual interests may be on hold today because of career matters. Your ambitions, whatever they are, could get a shot in the arm through some new information, possibly from far away. This could be uncovered in a newspaper, book, conversation with a friend, or online. Whichever it is, Scorpio, it’s likely to work for you, so make use of it.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Memories of past events that caused traumas that you’re still dealing with could come to light today. This is a positive development, as the release of these old emotions could make it possible for you to progress more quickly on material and spiritual planes. You may feel lighter, and you could experience a rush of joy. In the evening, go dancing and work off some of this energy.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Today you might see old and new friendships and romantic involvements reach a new understanding, Capricorn. This creates a stronger commitment between you and those who care for you. This is a great day to execute paperwork, particularly legal contracts. Your business sense is operating at a very high level. You’re more apt to spot clauses that need work, so go for it today.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

An important project could require intense concentration today, Aquarius, and you’re in the right frame of mind. You could be pleased with the results and so could others whose opinions matter. A boost to your self-confidence is in the works, perhaps even a raise in income. Work hard, enjoy the spotlight, and treat yourself to an evening out.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Your practical skills should be operating efficiently, Pisces. A creative or intellectual discipline that fascinates you might require some intense concentration today. You could spend much of the day in the library. You will want to take meticulous notes, but don’t worry about it if you don’t quite catch everything. Your memory should be sharp right now.


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