Recent articles have provided a wealth of information, reflecting on the realities of tourism in Vietnam fairly accurately. But why is it that whenever Vietnam is mentioned, only bad things and negative connotations come to mind? Should we just accept the fact that our tourism industry has nothing to offer to endear it to foreigners?
In my opinion, there are still many wonderful things about Vietnam that people will always remember. Despite the negativities that have been spread about Vietnamese tourism, I still think there are some unique aspects of the country that international visitors won’t find anywhere else.
People generally continue to believe, for instance, that walking down the streets of Vietnam is similar to walking into battles. In Vietnam, however, the number of accidents is inversely proportional to traffic chaos and congestion. It would sound somewhat paradoxical, but do you believe it? This is a point on which visitors can feel completely excited. Vietnam has always been a safe travel destination for tourists from all over the world.
As for Vietnamese vendors, it is not uncommon to find them cursing or scrambling for customers. Not only in Vietnam, but also in the United States and Germany, I have personally witnessed this situation. Therefore, there are numerous other reasons why some tourists do not wish to return to Vietnam, such as environmental pollution, price gouging, and even fraud. And these are the issues that the government should address immediately.
There are complaints that using the luggage carousels in Vietnamese airports is too difficult and time-consuming. But this isn’t just our story; I’ve seen it play out in a lot of other countries, some even worse than Vietnam. The type and size of the luggage are also a problem in this situation. Do not blame the tiny carousel if you have heavy luggage.
On the internet, a lot of helpful advice for travelers visiting various nations has been widely disseminated. One such piece of wisdom is that when traveling, you should pack your luggage to be as small and light as you can, rather than just trying to fit everything in. Whether I’m going across the country or across the world, all I need is one checked bag, a backpack, and a laptop. This makes dropping off and picking up my belongings a breeze.
And there are many other aspects of Vietnamese tourism that, if we take the time to change our perspective a bit, we can realize interesting things about, especially from the shortcomings that still exist. A country is made of citizens with their own set of beliefs and ideals. Of course, as human beings, we’re all different. It’s unfair to lump everyone together and then use their flaws to downplay their strengths.
It is time that we treated Vietnamese tourism fairly. Let’s stop harping on Vietnam‘s flaws and instead celebrate its strengths. Despite its problems, Vietnam is still a destination worth visiting.